Friday, November 16, 2007

Of Parties and of Wakes..

The last sliver of the night's moon,
Not quite yielding to the daylight,
Peeps through these window bars,
Mocking the stark,bygone ball.
All that remains of this fading night,
Lie in melted lights of broken glass,
And souveneirs of sodden confetti,
Folds of curtains,crevices of couches,
Filled up with drunken laughter.
Sadder than the cries of anguish,
Is this valiant gaiety of heroes.
The last distant notes that speak of love,
I wonder if it ever danced in Arcady.
Soon,it will be the harsh sunlight,
Truthful,bare and without the mercy,
Of decietful,enticing,beautiful night.
And I'm glad of this homely truth,
That the best company that I could have,
Resides right here within me.

Friday, November 9, 2007


These roses won't be here next spring,
This moon will die yet another death,
Yet I can not imagine more precious a night,
Than this one here, tonight,
One that'll soon die at dawn.
Under the brutal light of some midday sun,
When I lie, marred by three score years,
These locks then grey,will still dance the breeze,
Fragrant from the nape of you neck.
Time and miles never dared to touch,
You were brought to me on the wings of dreams.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Of Arbitary Notes..

The velvet curtain,scarlet and smothering rose to reveal the incandescence of this shy music.The fetid heaviness of the atmosphere will drag me down..but maybe not..maybe the long ago breath of these notes that bring to the mind,images from some faraway dreams,whose vividness was stolen by the the sunrise,would be my ressurection.. the crowd sways..eyes dulled by content..and perhaps the happiness of enlightenment...and I dig my fingernails into the flesh of my palms..trying to extract from reason,the mechanics of happiness..